Что будет?
International Halloween Comedy and Party
Tell me what scares you the most - A devil, a sprite, or a ghost? A witch that cackles, Or a skeleton in shackles? But definitely not a BOOM roast! This Halloween, all kinds of colorful characters are coming to Steal the Show! Come and watch superheroes and supervillians, TV characters, historical figures, and scary monsters entertain you during a very special comedy show in English, created specially for the spookiest holiday of the year, and stay for the afterparty with music so good you will be afraid to leave! The venue is ventilated and air is filtered, the temperature is measured at the entrance, and there is antiseptic on each table.
Entrance ONLY in costume! Entrance to the show is not free, but you can pay whatever you want; leave as much as you think we deserve (any paper note you prefer). Entreance to the afterparty is free. The bar DOES NOT ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS, only cash/bank transfer.